Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Favorite Fashion Photographers

Steven Meisel
Meisel works with Vogue Italia and iconed many models of his generation. The colors he matched for each picture worked well together and there wasn't anything overpowering one from the other, well-balanced.

Arnaud Pyvka
Pyvka has a softness to his pictures giving it a blurry, classic look. I like the fashion in his pictures and how it seems simple yet elegant.

Annie Leibovitz
Leibovitz is accredited for her portrait-like photography.Some of her work reminds me of popular fairy tale classics, movies and more, such as Cinderella.

Day 2:Fashion Photography Tips
1.)Observe your surroundings and use that as inspiration

2) Choose a model that is suitable for the photo, don't just choose a model based on how famous they may be or if you can afford him or her

3)Shoot your pictures in different positions and angles to get the best picture possible, experiment a little

4) Style your model in way that matches your location and/or product

5)Be apart of the process, direct where you want everything wants to go and how it should be done

6)Use props to enhance the photo

7)If things don't go your way be able to adjust to the unplanned situation

8)Work well with the team you have assembled to create your piece

9)Use natural lighting as much as possible for bright, clear photos

10)Stay up-to-date with new equipment and technology for a greater outcome

Day 3