Tuesday, April 1, 2014

James Mollison

Mollison's Work

James Mollison was given the opportunity to indulge in children's rights through his photoagraphy. Mollison wanted to express children in different situations or circumstances. What better way to display the kind of life kids around the world live than to show the place where they live, their bedroom. In the pictures above, it displays how the child looks and how they coincide with where they sleep. One may have a comfy bed with brightly colored walls, or have tires as a mattress, some may not even have four walls to enclose them from the harsh weather. At first, Mollison puts the child in front of a neutral background to recognize that wherever they live, a kid is a kid. Then he shows the bedroom to reveal the living conditions of the child. Surely, Mollison shows a whole new side to things.

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