Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Modern Artists-HW


In this video article, it focused on artist, Paul McCarthy. In his earlier days he began with making videos of himself and his body would be used as a tool or 'main focus'. At one point he dragged his body across the floor with a paint bucket. Resources were very limited back then so he used whatever was at hand. One may say that his videos were his art. It was not film, but as he described it, 'a painting.' McCarthy used silly or absurd costumes to create video or illustrations, it was narrative but it told a story like a painting would have.

 In his later years, his art transformed into what one may say 'live art', he used motorized work and technology to create moving pieces. He has also created many sculptures and drawings consisting of popular icons. McCarthy had used material-somewhat like material used for balloons-and made a sculpture of Pinocchio but filled with air. McCarthy's artwork consists of many different ideas and takes part in different areas of art. His work may seem humorous to the naked eye, but it comes together to tell a story.

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