Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Reverse Graffiti-My Attempt

               Guess What It Is!

             What It Actually Is

                  My Stencil

Monday, March 24, 2014

Humans of Maple Shade

" I love chocolate cake,but mostly     
chocolate frosting"
Me: Do you have a girlfriend?
Boy: Yeah, we have been dating for about a year now.
Me:What did you get her for Valentine's Day?
Boy: I got her a card, chocolates and a stuffed animal thing.
" I have been a crossing guard since 1997. I used to be a substitute but was assigned to this job."
"I work for a private company that deals with elementary."
Me:What's the first thing that pops into your head?
Woman:It's gonna be a cold week.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Reverse Graffiti

  • Instead of spray paint, reverse graffiti uses water
  • Reverse graffiti removes dirt from walls, buildings, etc
  • Another name for 'reverse graffiti' is clean tagging
  • This movement reveals how dirty the world is, physically, and how we should care about our environment
  • Tools that you can use is water, paint brushes and even your fingers
Examples of Reverse Graffiti

My Stencil

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Andy Goldsworthy

  • Andy Goldsworthy was born in England but works and lives in Scotland
  • Goldsworthy makes his creations using the things of natures
  • Right after he creates his piece, he photographs it right away
  • He creates outdoor sculptures that is seemingly all based from nature: twigs, leaves, snow, ice, etc.
  • Goldsworthy's goal is to understand nature and how everything comes to be, he does this by making nature his main tool/ component
Goldsworthy's work

My Goldsworthy

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Chris Jordan

Thursday, March 13, 2014

JR, The French Artist/Activist

  • JR's main tools are paper and glue
  • He does not use a paper canvas, but uses walls of buildings and just the world to paste his work
  • His artwork mostly contains pictures of people's faces

    Photograffeur: This term combines photography and graffiti. JR uses a mixture of the two in his artwork, so this is what he calls himself.

    A photograph or image can transform someone's life. It's the way the artist makes the picture. Everyone has different emotions towards an item. Sometimes, the artist could be making their work have one meaning and it's relayed really well, so the person who sees it can understand what it is going on. If someone photographs a disaster then someone may see it and it can impact them to help others. It is the way a person views the piece.

    JR Inspired Work

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Modern Artists-HW


In this video article, it focused on artist, Paul McCarthy. In his earlier days he began with making videos of himself and his body would be used as a tool or 'main focus'. At one point he dragged his body across the floor with a paint bucket. Resources were very limited back then so he used whatever was at hand. One may say that his videos were his art. It was not film, but as he described it, 'a painting.' McCarthy used silly or absurd costumes to create video or illustrations, it was narrative but it told a story like a painting would have.

 In his later years, his art transformed into what one may say 'live art', he used motorized work and technology to create moving pieces. He has also created many sculptures and drawings consisting of popular icons. McCarthy had used material-somewhat like material used for balloons-and made a sculpture of Pinocchio but filled with air. McCarthy's artwork consists of many different ideas and takes part in different areas of art. His work may seem humorous to the naked eye, but it comes together to tell a story.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Google Doodles





If I could invent one thing to make the world a better place...
-make a tracker for objects usually misplaced
-You think of something and it instantly appears-an invention for inventions
-Dream Interpreter