Sunday, February 23, 2014

Food Photography

Food Tips
1. Natural lighting's best for the picture. Turn off the flash because it will ruin the picture.
2.Use different angles whilst taking your pictures, show off the best parts of the item.
3.Move in closer to the food, it will show off the details and textures. It will make your picture more alluring
4.Use props-it will make your picture more realistic but try not too overcrowd
5.Use a tripod to get the perfect picture because it may take a long time. With a tripod, you can take sharp shots.
6.Address the white balance
7.Use food tricks to enhance picture
8.Keep background clean, do not let the background become messy and distracting
9.Use foods with different colors and textures
10.Focus in on the camera

Food Through Photoshop

For this picture, I used a glass of milk as a prop. Also, to keep background from crowding, I got rid of what seemed to be a chair in the back.

This is the after picture where I used a clean, white background to get rid of the messiness of the before picture. I also enhanced the picture using food tricks, such as brightening the color of the taco to make it more appealing.

(I can't seem to find the before picture for this)
This photo was taken from the top to show the best features. To make it seem that this came from a natural lighting, I enhanced the color of the apple.

Food Sculpture Through Photoshop

Food Sculpture-with Sophia Dybka


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Surrealism HW


Created in the 20th century, imagery that has been altered in a dreamlike way. What usually appears 'normal' has turned into seemingly strange. Surrealism includes:





