Thursday, December 26, 2013


Silencia, the sidekick of The Outcry, the last of her kind. Her home planet had  been overtaken by those who have brought destruction to her land. What was once a glorious, fruitful kingdom turned to rubble and debris. Silencia has traveled to Earth, in hopes of not letting the same thing happen to our home. She joined forces with The Outcry who she believes can save Earth. Silencia had brought along the remaining weaponry from her home planet. Together, they are unstopppable.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Social Issue Superheroes

A superhero is someone who is willing to stand out from the crowd. Willing to fight for the needs of others. They are supernatural. Courageous. Confident. Intelligent. Dedicated.

Batman needs no glory, he is silent in the dead of night and will fight crime without your praise.

Iron man seems all over the place and lives by his own rules, but at the end of the day he demolishes crime with his charisma and intellectual abilities.

Getting angry may seem like a fault, but the Hulk uses it to his advantage and defeats evil.

Real Life Heroes:
Martin Luther King Jr., he saw the cause and went for it. His dream was for equality and he fought for that up until his final breath on this earth.
My mom, it was just me and her in the beginning, she provided for me, for my happiness and looks to the needs of others around her. She is selfless.
I had not known him well, however, I know he was a great man. My uncle Bert, it seemed he would live a life full of worldly things but there was a change in his heart. After his life was changed he started travelling around the world and speaking to others for them to change. He followed the Great Commission.

Social Issues of Today:
-Poverty. More and more people are living a life where there is no happy ending at the end of the road. Everyday they do not know if they will be fed, if they can even live to see the next day.
-Depression. Some may think there is no way out of this life. Nothing is going the way they had hoped for. That life is no longer worth living.
-Alcoholism. Large quantities of alcohol may ruin a person. One of the biggest reasons for homelessness is the fact that all that person wanted to do was to indulge themselves in drinks. Drinking does not get you anywhere in life, just loss of consciousness.

 The Outcry is the voice of the people who cannot speak up for themselves. He fights for the provisions of poverty-stricken others. The hammer represents him building back up a fallen community. He travels around the world with his sidekick, Silencia. Together, they rebuild lives.

Monday, December 2, 2013

David Meanix

The Works

I enjoy these three art pieces because they are unique. Instead of taking a normal photo of just a woman, you plaster a man's face but in ripped pieces. Another is just of a mask, not even with the rest of a body JUST the face, nothing else. The camera reminds me of a vintage-like piece.

I like David Meanix's work, but at the same time I don't. I like it's different than what you can "normally" see, in a way, I think it is edgy. Although, some of his pictures are a bit 'out there' that i would not feel comfortable showing others.

Fears of Mine:
-Exotic insects
-Disappointing others
-Scary movies