Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Cubism- A style of abstract art. Instead of just a normal picture of a face, object, etc., the image is expressed with abnormal shapes, planes, irregular sizing and more. There's no exact focus; it's all over the place but balances well.

Pablo Picasso
Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain on October 25, 1881. He studied art at one of the finest schools during his time, 'The Royal Academy of San Fernando. Instead of following by the 'art rules' given, he used his own unique style, ideas and visions, thus the creation of cubism.

                                                        Some of Picasso's Painting

                                                          Dora Maar au Chat
                                                         The Weeping Woman
                                                           Jeune Fille Endormie

                                                             My Picasso Face

My Take on Cubism

Monday, September 16, 2013

Kodak Top Ten Tips

                                                                   Vertical Pictures



Get Down on Their level

Move in Close

Move It from the Middle

Lock the Focus